Health Study

Families sought for a study on diet, lifestyle & health.

Compensation: £400 in total per family.

Register Here

Image of health study poster

What is the study about?

We are trying to understand what drives dietary choices and how diet affects health for people of different ages. Through this study, we want to help to design appropriate policies to improve the health of families in the UK.

Note that if you are pregnant and already have a child between the age of 2 and 6, both can take part in the study. We will not be able to accommodate other children (older than 6) for logistic reasons. The child(ren) participating to the study will be referred to as the “STUDY CHILD(REN)”.

Eligibility Criteria

Have a child between the age of 2 and 6


Be expecting a child (due in 2016).

You need to live in Colchester and earn less than £26,600 per year, own a hob and a fridge, and be fluent in English.


  • Read our detailed information leaflet
  • Complete the registration form below

Registration form

This study is part of a bigger study called Nudge-it

Nudge-it is a multidisciplinary project; it engages experts in the neurobiology of motivational behaviour, in the neuroscience of reward pathways, in the neuroendocrinology of homeostatic regulation of appetite, in experimental psychology, in functional brain imaging, in behavioural economics, and in computational modelling. Together, they will develop new tools to understand:

  • the importance of early life experience: how the choices we make as adults are influenced by stress and poor nutrition in early life;
  • habitual eating behaviour: the life-long learning process and how it is moderated by homeostatic mechanisms;
  • impulsive choice behaviour: the momentary choices we make to eat high energy or low energy foods, depending on hunger state and reward value, and upon price and availability ;
  • the importance of environmental context on decision-making processes: how day-to-day choices and preferences are affected by socio-economic status, stress, and exercise levels.

Our focus will be on tools that lead to knowledge that translates into policy. Nudge-it will develop new tools and experimental approaches to support the integration of behavioural and observational studies with neurobiological studies in a way that can lead to advances in consumer and nutrition research, providing the evidence base needed to educate stakeholders and inform policy.

More information on Nudge-it